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New Programs to be announced shortly

There is a transformation in the way coaches need to do business. Otherwise they may find themselves hitting a brick wall they can’t get past.  There is now scope for the individual online coach to deliver virtual services to a potentially global market

How would you like to start to understand the nature of the global shift behind this transformation? Would it be helpful to you to have an experience of aligning with the transformation and to begin turning it to your advantage? Through our next set of programs you will learn new practices that will show you how to integrate new Business Models, Virtual Organization, and its accompanying Leadership.

We spent months speaking to coaches both here and abroad. We learned that this is a global shift that requires a global solution. The Small Group Intensive Programs that we are developing will be an experiential introduction to the new practices you will need to embrace. The Small Group Intensive will immerse you into what you need to pay attention to daily, while experiencing active learning, collaborative communities, and collaborative projects regarding how to move your coaching business forward.  Intensive small group video conferences will anchor your progress as we move through to a new paradigm.

To be kept fully up-to-date with our new programs, please complete a Request Form

February 2013: Professor Colin Coulson-Thomas:

Strategic Partner, Prof. Coulson-Thomas delivers the keynote speech of on the subject of “Integrity: Regenerating Boards for Quality Leadership” at the 23rd World Congress: Leadership & Quality of Governance held in Bangalore, India. The world congress was organised by the Institute of Directors of India which is dedicated to building tomorrow’s boards. A news item on the event can be found on: http://www.timesnow.tv/The-23rd-World-Congress-on-leadership/videoshow/4420773.cms

May 2012: Professor Colin Coulson-Thomas:


Strategic Partner, Professor Colin Coulson-Thomas is to be awarded an International Change Agent and Transformation Leader Award from a World Congress for his work in this area.

New Titles:

Transforming Knowledge Management …. sets out a more affordable route to high performance organisations

Talent Management 2 … A quicker and more cost effective route to the high performance organisation

Transforming Public Services … A quicker and affordable route to high performance public organizations

Tuesday 6th December 2011 – 10th December 2011

Strategic Partner, Professor Colin Coulson-Thomas joins the team for the delivery of the Dubai Masterclass for Public Executives:  Innovative Leadership: Transforming Public Services

The development programme for senior public executives such as permanent secretaries and university presidents

Wednesday 20th July 2011 – Thursday 21st July 2011

Strategic Partner, Professor Colin Coulson-Thomas joins the team for the delivery of the Masterclass for Directors in Governance, Risk & Compliance.

The event is hosted by The International Sustainable Performance Institute in collaboration with The Institute of Directors and held in Mauritius.


View video clip


Friday 8th July 2011 – Sunday 10th July 2011

Strategic Partner, Professor Steven Gans to speak on “Rethinking Things: A call to let things speak in the new political ecology” at the Oxford Conference on Environmental Justice

Mansfield College,  The University of Oxford

Friday 29th April – Saturday 30th April




Strategic Partner, Professor Colin Coulson-Thomas speaks on better ways of delivering social responsibility policies at the 6th International Conference on Social Responsibility held in New Delhi, India.

The event is hosted by The World Council for Corporate Governance in collaboration with The Institute of Directors.

Welcome to The Networking Firm Network dedicated to helping you build your own fully independent virtual firm from within a peer-mentoring team and individualised action learning organisation; located in a wider vibrant Business Action Learning Forum and Community where mutual support and development through teamwork is the main currency.

If your aim is to build a fully independent virtual firm and associate network, then full membership is for you; otherwise basic free membership is likely to suffice.

Peer Mentoring

Principles. There are two key principles that inform everything we do through The Networking Firm Network:

a)      As individuals, we identify what we love doing most and do best; and commit to building our professional business practice and individual brand around this core.

b)      We also believe in the value of teaming up and working jointly on each other’s business practices in a way that brings out the best in each other.

Practice. Peer mentoring is our primary vehicle through which we deliver these values and is at the core of our methodology and practice.

Peer Mentoring Club. We are particularly interested in teaming up with like-minded people to build a peer mentoring membership club and consider this critical to building a community of mutual support and development for anyone in the process of personal and professional transition and transformation.  For exploratory talks please contact me at enquiries@peermenta.me.uk